Harder Mathematical Problems

Men on the Moon ★★

A large space agency has decided to build a base on the moon. For this purpose, a cable must be laid around the moon's equator. When the cable is laid, it turns out to be 1 meter short. In a quickly arranged meeting, it is decided to investigate the possibility to lay the whole cable in a groove.

The question: How deep should this groove be to overcome the problem of the lacking 1 meter of cable?

A hint : Assume that the moon's diameter is 3,476,000 meters.

The answer: Click here!

Another question: The agency's director considers digging the groove is too expensive. He suggests laying the whole cable just a bit north of the equator. How many meters north of the moon's equator should the cable be laid to settle the problem of the lacking 1 meter of cable?

Another answer: Click here!

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